BE STILL...and SEE Photography

Reflecting on who I am...what is important to me...and the gifts I offer the world, I have reorganized this PhotoSchmoozer blog into separate pages for your viewing. I am about so much...people - relationships - drums and rhythms and especially photography...and I realize that although separate, they are all so INTEGRATED into the Whole of who I am!! It's a very peaceful thought and I am thankful for the intuitive gift to see the connections and the relationships. Enjoy the journey through the blog...and WELCOME.
Contemplative photography is about being totally present and seeing exactly what is before you, without filters or judgment. It is about seeing with your heart.Doesn't everyone see what is before them? Not really. You may see a candle on a table. Do you also see the shadows it creates? Or the reflections that the light casts on it? Or it's underlying shape and form?

DRUMS, Rhythms and Relationships

Monday, June 3, 2013

Taking Time to Transition!!

I feel like writing this blog with all of the colors of the rainbow that are in this picture!  This shoe represents so much - what you say?  a simple shoe?   YES...taking the time to be joyful...relaxing in the sun...playing and just having fun!  The maintain this feeling for most of the days - the reality - fleeting - comes and goes - but the gratitude is that it is present.
The words Transition and change are increasingly used in our vocabulary of late - or maybe it is because of my age and life situaton.  No matter - they are to be  faced  and dealt with...and sometimes with an intensity that, well , isn't quite as fun as it could be!  Trying to hard to 'figure out life' rather than  sitting in the sun - floating on the water and just BEING.  For so many years, we are extrinsically motivated - have a job - family obligations - schedules and routines.  Then life says, 'go ahead and retire' and you have all of the time you want!!  As my friend Jill would say - YEEKS!  The transition of this transition is that now you have to be intrinsically motivated.  No longer identified with who you are and what you "DO", now is the time to find that inner identity.  I have just picked up several books by Brene Brown- The Gifts of Imperfection and then Daring Greatly!  Hmmm...maybe these topics about being real and being vulnerable will be a focus for the blog for awhile!!   It's not about what you do - but more importantly that you take action - then you become vulnerable - could even fail in what was attempted - but hey, you have done something and that is what counts!!  So if it is about unpacking boxes after a move...or getting to work on that baby quilt...or just is action.  The lesson to be learned is that everything has meaning and value.  Because something doesn't seem big enough and important enough...well...just look down and take a picture of your shoe and see how totally cool you are!!

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