BE STILL...and SEE Photography

Reflecting on who I am...what is important to me...and the gifts I offer the world, I have reorganized this PhotoSchmoozer blog into separate pages for your viewing. I am about so much...people - relationships - drums and rhythms and especially photography...and I realize that although separate, they are all so INTEGRATED into the Whole of who I am!! It's a very peaceful thought and I am thankful for the intuitive gift to see the connections and the relationships. Enjoy the journey through the blog...and WELCOME.
Contemplative photography is about being totally present and seeing exactly what is before you, without filters or judgment. It is about seeing with your heart.Doesn't everyone see what is before them? Not really. You may see a candle on a table. Do you also see the shadows it creates? Or the reflections that the light casts on it? Or it's underlying shape and form?

DRUMS, Rhythms and Relationships

Monday, April 11, 2011

Awesome Drumming! Totally Awesome!!

Our bodies are energy centers and when all of the chakras are balanced, we are dynamic and full of the loving energy for ourselves and our fellow human beings.  On Saturday, we spent 2 1/2 hours drumming our heaerts out at Living in Joy Yoga Studio in Audobon, NJ.  There were more than 20 old and new friends and our facilitators - well - words can't even describe their energies!  They led us in song, dance, changting, drumming and prayers for PEACE for people all over the world.  These gourds were totally awesome.  I know, I am using that word a lot, but it was totally the truth!!  There were different sizes - mostly the same basic shapes, and all were painted in the vibrant colors of the chakras.  Marcy had us pick the gourds up gently, hold them by the neck, softly rub their belllies - round and round.  We couldn't hit them because they were rather like a baby's soft spot in that area and they would crack.  it caused us to be more still and connect with the energy or the gourds and our own energies.  WOW!!  Hmmmm now doesn't it make me want to add a little something else to the collection??  OK...not right now!!
Here are our facilitators - and talk about balls of energy!  Marcy had a strong voice and played the schekere, bringing along so many sizes and shapes and colors of these as well.  Jan played the drums - and when I say that, I totally mean it!  Man could she share her knowledge and rhythms with us!!  She brought along djembes, and a snare drum, we had doumbeks and even some of Martie's home made drums.  let me tell you, they held their own and sounded great!  In fact, those who played them talked about their being more gentle on the hands!!  They received an exciting reception and I could tell people how to make them.  You can find videos on you tube as well so you can do your own - or I will sell you one - or more!!

This guy is only seven, but you could definitely tell that he had been around for years playing the drums!  He was great.  I asked him to try mine so I could take his picture and have some great memories of someone using mine.
I can't say enough of the FUN we all had, the ENERGIES we shared, the LOVE that was in the room and the exhaustion some of us felt when it was done!!  Mark my word, they will be back.  Hope to get them to come to Pitman!!! 
Once Photoschmoozer puts something out there, it often happens!!

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