She was born a looooooooong time ago, Barbara Martie. She was bright and curious - talked really early, wanted to know and explore everything and just full of life and spirit! Early on in life, she lived with folks who didn't know what to do with her. She was very different from them. What's a girl to do? She wanted love, acceptance and approval, so she tried really hard to be just like "them". It made her sad and her spirit went into hiding for a long time. She learned to be the 'good girl' and for 'creative' activities, she did paint by number and jigsaw puzzles. Something was missing but who was she to know about that? Who was there to be her role model or guide her into real expression?? Sometimes snippets showed when she moved away from the tribal environment but often she was just shy and didn't really know her strengths, skills or capabilities. Twenty one years into her life, she became a kindergarten teacher and realized in many ways that if she had to engage 38 five year olds, shyness was NOT a tool that worked with that lively group. Then there was another group - same size - in the afternoon!! Come out and play Barbara Martie. She tried and was successful in many ways, but something was missing. Going back to the tribe, she was too loud, too energetic and yes folks, too emotional!! BOO HOO!!
One day she was riding down the road and heard this voice say, "I'm Filaree!" HUH??? What? I am Filaree; your guardian angel. How fun was that thought - and a vision of Filaree? In the meantime, Barbara Martie took another step toward freeing the spirit and just became Martie - legally too!! She started being creative and crafty and opening up to her spirit - slowly because she didn't quite believe she had it in her. Her quilt group decided to create crazy quilt Guardian Angels and Filaree came to life with the face of little Barbara Martie, complete with the long blonde curls!! The vision - long blonde curls, flowers in her hair, long skirts and peasant blouses - was everything free and spirited. Martie was growing into Filaree and into accepting herself in all her beauty - still is to be sure!!
Then life begins to expand in so many ways! Martie walks away from her work of 11 years in 1996 (about the 50 year old mid-life crises time) and wonders what's next? She discovers Early Head Start, the Program for Infant Toddler Care, being a consultant and then an Infant Toddler Specialist with Zero to Three. It's here where she begins to meet true like minded souls - people like her who are open to reflection, communication and experiencing life through the eyes of the children and caregivers with whom they work. Several of this group are still dear friends even though their work together has been over for three years. One of the friends, rather like a daughter in so many ways, has a daughter of her own and this is where the FREE SPIRIT emerges in yet other ways for Martie. This little girl, Ivy is her name, has an imagination and a spirit that is so alive, energetic and exciting. For Martie, well, it's life at its best to spend time with this child and her mom. It's a wide open way to look at the world - and here is Ivy at her latest FUN -
International Mud Day at
FREE SPIRIT be continued...getting messages about Sir Ken Robinson, The Element - discovering your passion, spirit, element and creativity. Also going to explore the issue of Creative Self with Transition Network peers. Let's look at this discussion as the next steps in being present and discovering SELF! More to come!! Will it be photography? Will it be quilting? Will it be writing? Will it be a combination of many things? WHAT?!?!?
And remember too, this new grandmother will explore all over again how it is to be a developing child!! Welcome Sean Edward - 5days old.