BE STILL...and SEE Photography

Reflecting on who I am...what is important to me...and the gifts I offer the world, I have reorganized this PhotoSchmoozer blog into separate pages for your viewing. I am about so much...people - relationships - drums and rhythms and especially photography...and I realize that although separate, they are all so INTEGRATED into the Whole of who I am!! It's a very peaceful thought and I am thankful for the intuitive gift to see the connections and the relationships. Enjoy the journey through the blog...and WELCOME.
Contemplative photography is about being totally present and seeing exactly what is before you, without filters or judgment. It is about seeing with your heart.Doesn't everyone see what is before them? Not really. You may see a candle on a table. Do you also see the shadows it creates? Or the reflections that the light casts on it? Or it's underlying shape and form?

DRUMS, Rhythms and Relationships

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Perfect Peace, Love and Contentment!!

Posted by PicasaIt was a perfect Saturday at Camp Jam in the Pines in Monroeville, NJ.  I felt like we had stepped back in time as we were surrounded by so many people who were wearing their tie dyed long skirts, flowers in their hair, sporting beards and were totally chilled out.  My comment, "If you are uptight, you had better leave because this was no place for you!!  We joined the crowd, set up our chairs, listened to music and people watched!  Food was organic and vegetarian and outstanding.  The vendors were from Woodstock, NY and knew how to put the black bean toastie together on a grill fired by propane tank!  We got into the 'nothing' frame of mind, though without the beer or other mellowing agents that were around us!!  No problem. The sunshine did it for us!!  Mid afternoon,  as I was walking barefoot through the grass, I saw the perfect picture of love, peace and contentment - the 'poster children' for the event and here they are.  We almost made it until the end...Caravan of Thieves, Infamous Stringdusters and New Riders of the Purple Sage - like Jerry Garcia was back again in the 60s!! 

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