It happened and I did it! We started with a Mindfulness exercise - visualizing that we are the flower opening and closing to discover our inner beauty. After some lively sharing, this activity stilled us to move on.
Acknowledging the Full Moon and her power as a time to let go of what no longer serves us so we can bring in the new or grow with our strengths, we each wrote something on a paper - set it aflame and quietly sat to watch it burn. I did one...tonight I am going to do another - alone and reflective. I am wishing for relationships built on looking for the best in one another - affirming who each of us is...acknowledging and recognizing how wonderful that is to knowing one another and building strengths. As I wrote in the last blog - when that doesn't happen in your own life, it can be very sad. When there are beautiful ways to acknowledge and you hear what is wrong - well, sadness came set in and one has to learn to let go of that.
Life is short and tenuous - life is filled with wonderful people and insights - life is meant to be shared... people are meant to be acknowledged and celebrated with joy.
For all who are important and valuable in my life, I celebrate you. For all who cause challenges, I still celebrate your wonder and aliveness. As we say in Mindfulness/Metta Meditation: May you be safe; May you be happy; May you be healthy; May you have peace of mind and ease of wellbeing. May you be at peace.
And may I add the same peaceful message to all in my world - may you go deep into your heart as I have gazed at the essence of this flower and found calm - and may it bring you stillness and peace - today and always
Addendum to this blog: I wrote the whole thing and published it and forgot to mention that the DRUMS came out and we drummed! What fun...what inspiration...and we indeed were what Christine Stevens calls in Drumming Diva a TOWER OF STRENGTH!!.