BE STILL...and SEE Photography

Reflecting on who I am...what is important to me...and the gifts I offer the world, I have reorganized this PhotoSchmoozer blog into separate pages for your viewing. I am about so much...people - relationships - drums and rhythms and especially photography...and I realize that although separate, they are all so INTEGRATED into the Whole of who I am!! It's a very peaceful thought and I am thankful for the intuitive gift to see the connections and the relationships. Enjoy the journey through the blog...and WELCOME.
Contemplative photography is about being totally present and seeing exactly what is before you, without filters or judgment. It is about seeing with your heart.Doesn't everyone see what is before them? Not really. You may see a candle on a table. Do you also see the shadows it creates? Or the reflections that the light casts on it? Or it's underlying shape and form?

DRUMS, Rhythms and Relationships

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Gift of Love: Our Garden and Famer Bill

It's Spring in NJ temperature wise and by the calendar so "Farmer Bill" has begun his activity in the garden - he's gotten zillions of trailer loads of leaves for mulch and the greenhouse on the back deck has all varieties of vegetables and flowers beginning to sprout.  To move forward just a tad faster, I was at Whole Foods the other day and came home with a Butterhead lettuce and some arugula - so these have found a home with us too - with wire so we don't have to share with the rabbits!!

To our joy and wonder, we can already harvest theses collard greens that are with us from last season.  Just shows what a mild season we had - and that Bill had created a plastic green house to protect them as well.  Had to make a decision about breakfast yesterday, and off I went to the garden to bring in the collards to steam - totally tasty and tender!  Add a sprinkle of umeboshi plum vinegar and it's a total treat to start the day!!

Now I am talking about greens and our garden, so why have I added a picture of Christina and Robert Pirello?!?!?  It's a simple answer - whenever I have been in their presence, the subject of healthy foods and GREENS comes up.  Christina says this, "Eat your Greens - and when you think you have eaten enough, EAT MORE!"   The exciting thing is that Christina is coming to the Pitman Farm Market on June 2 as our special guest for the grand opening!  She will gather food from the farmers and talk about it right there!!  There is excitement generating?  Why not join in the Farm Market fever?!?
  Everyday I experience synchronicities related to it all - I can't even conceive of how it will finally look - but as my buddy Jim says, "It will be the best damned market around!!"

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