BE STILL...and SEE Photography

Reflecting on who I am...what is important to me...and the gifts I offer the world, I have reorganized this PhotoSchmoozer blog into separate pages for your viewing. I am about so much...people - relationships - drums and rhythms and especially photography...and I realize that although separate, they are all so INTEGRATED into the Whole of who I am!! It's a very peaceful thought and I am thankful for the intuitive gift to see the connections and the relationships. Enjoy the journey through the blog...and WELCOME.
Contemplative photography is about being totally present and seeing exactly what is before you, without filters or judgment. It is about seeing with your heart.Doesn't everyone see what is before them? Not really. You may see a candle on a table. Do you also see the shadows it creates? Or the reflections that the light casts on it? Or it's underlying shape and form?

DRUMS, Rhythms and Relationships

Saturday, October 13, 2012


 The New Hope/Ivyland railroad takes the time to present FALL in all of her splendor at their station in New HopePA.  We saw an incredible variety of flowers, gourds and pumpkins/squash.  It was a day to celebrate - though isn't every day??  This was for being married to one another for 41 years...friends...understanding one life
Some of these could definitely have gone into a contest for the biggest pumpkin - or the ugliest squash - all different colors and mottled - showed me the vast variety of individuality of each of the plants - just like us - all of basically the same genre BUT then expressing ourselves in such unique ways - hair - clothes - outlook - values...and without all of us, life wouldn't be complete - even the ones who are totally different in so many ways - takes longer to learn patience and understanding, widsom really, but it can happen IF the intention is clear!!

Love the philosophy of MIKSANG - it is so in keeping with my BE STILL and observe/notice all of the simplicity and beauty around you.  I saw this singular leaf sitting on the train step - outstanding in its field huh??  I was taking the picture and the conductor was standing there with a puzzled look on his face?!?  He couldn't understand why I was taking a picture of this leaf and not the whole train!!?!?  Each of us has our preferences and each of us sees life with such different perspectives.

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